Upon opening the box. I saw it had colored lights, not the white I had assumed it had, but I had already bought the spray paint, so I was going to go with it. I plugged it in, saw it all worked, then took it outside to fluff and paint. I thought of covering all the bulbs with tape or paper, but that turned out to be waaay too daunting a task. Deep breath, fingers crossed...here we go!
Not too bad, and two cans of hot pink spray paint later...Voila
Upon plugging it in, before decorating I saw that not all the lights were indeed working, but I had come too far to stop.
My friend had also given me turquoise and silver ornaments, and I had some shells I had painted many years ago I chose to use. Strategically turning the tree, and fluffing branches, and you cant even tell some of the lights dont work.
Now, if I can just keep Mia and Mona from climbing it...all will be well. So, stay tuned...the adventure continues!