The day for the show finally arrived, I had been getting inventory ready for about three weeks, knowing the month of March was going to fly by. I had made arrangments to share a taxi truck with a lady Kerry who lives in San Jacinto, but as time passed and no truck, she chose to find another way. My truck DID finally arrive, an HOUR LATE...
the truck was smaller than expected, and I couldnt fit a couple of painted tables, but I took quite a bit, and some of Mike’s art too. After a bit of a frazzled morning, I got myself set up and was able to cool off. The show was held south in Crucita, on top of the hill where they do hang gliding, a wonderful restaurant La Loma, offered the use of their grassy area and served lunch specials to the artists and shoppers.

Many people from San Clemente and San Jacinto came to browse, shop and support. A bus of people came from Manta and another from Santa Marianita just south of Manta. Had another artist from San clemente, me and Kerry, the others were from Crucita. Maybe a dozen artists total...

Tagua jewelry, “panama” hats, lots of art, abstract, whimiscal, real ART, painted palm fronds, shell mirrors, wood burning, some dolls, a real mix. I sold about $100 for Mike and another $100 for me after the cost of taxis and table rental. None of the painted furniture sold, only because people came together and didnt necessarily have transport. I made and gave out business cards, so may get some calls or emails in the future.

A very good turn out, and I think many of the artists did well. Moving forward I will most likely focus on custom jobs, and not have so much “inventory”, but do know what sells best and will participate again next year. There is talk of a Christmas fair too. Around 3pm people started packing up, the crowds had dwindled, but from 10-3 was much traffic.

Beautiful area, gorgeous day, good food and even had some entertainment. All in all a WONDERFUL experience. So...stay tuned, the adventure continues!
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