
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

What day is it?

I know it is Wednesday,  because I am going to see a friend, but other than that...quarantine day 1000?

I stopped looking at the numbers posted, one day they more than doubled, saying a bunch of test results had come in. Then the numbers went down...but they still climb, so who knows? We think the reporting and testing is so sporadic it is hard to believe anything.

This list was posted on the 8th of May. There were reports of cases in San alejo and San jacinto,  but have never had any confirmation.  

This one was posted 16th of May...yesterday it said Sucre had 56...what a mess!

The ATM here in town has been out of cash for at least a couple weeks, the bank is a cooperative and kinda low man on the totem pole is what Ive been told, when asked when the cash will get replenished.  The inside bank has reopened, and is conducting business almost as usual.

We still have red light restrictions,  curfew and weekend driving restrictions, tho it is not as enforced here as in the larger cities. Moto taxis and others are adhering to the restrictions so as not to get fined, so getting around is tricky at times. I know they did that for a reason...grrr.

In other news, the weather is cooling down. The winds have picked up, puttering in the garden and around the house, getting projects done. Something good has to come from this! always, stay home, and stay tuned, the adventure continues.