The city of Manta, Ecuador's 3rd largest city is having work done on their water delivery system. They have been repairing the old pipes a couple neighborhoods at a time, and there have been scheduled delivery trucks (tanqueros) to assist those who are not recieving water because of it.
This particular neighborhood has 360 families that were coming to get free water until the project is complete. So far, they have been on time and on budget, completion should be next week.
The city of Manta has been doing many improvement projects with the election of the new (younger) mayor recently. The beach area has had clean ups and trash/ recycling bins placed around and also a tree planting project involving school children.
I dont get to Manta often, I am just too used to the smaller, slow paced beach life, but when I do go, it is a beautiful city and I feel safe, somewhere I really should explore more, so...Stay tuned, the adventure continues.