During our rainy season, the Portoviejo river brings us ALOT of trash and debris from inland, now that rainy season is over, we needed a serious beach clean up.
As I sat on the porch drinking coffee, I saw lots of neighbors and school kids heading down to the boca, they had some brief instruction, then got on with it. All up and down the beach (about 4 miles) people were picking up trash, and moving the debris so the machines could load the trucks.
Young, old, Ecuadorean and expats, we made quick work of it. Within a couple hours it was done (except for the trucks). I wish I had gotten a picture of the piles of black trashbags.
I joined in with the neighbors and cleaned the street side of the cabanas, along with a couple men from the Navy station.
Hopefully since so many school children helped, they will think twice before tossing the candy wrapper on the ground...it has to start with them.
It was a really good event, and the whole area looks wonderful, so stay tuned, the adventure continues...