
Thursday, March 24, 2016

This month in Ecuador

My Facebook is more Ecuadorean these days than "American", I enjoy seeing some interesting things going on around Ecuador, and thought I'd share them. Many new colleges and schools going up.

New school being opened. Pretty and fresh,  and such amenities!

Not sure where this is, somewhere in Manabi, but not close to us.

Life guard training, this was here in San Jacinto, Joffre said he was going to go...but I don't see him in this picture. 

This is San Clemente, they were having a beauty competition, for SC Queen. You can see the contestants in the front row. Everyone enjoying some dancers.

It is Holy Week, here are some pictures from a Palm Sunday service.

And a BIG ASS POT OF SOUP! I couldn't resist saving this one, unfortunately we have to speculate, as there was no caption telling what was going on...I guess in this case a picture is worth a thousand words.

We bought a new phone/camera so we will always have it with us, no more waiting for pictures from the camera, that means more to blog on...we have dancing Saturday night for Easter festivities, so stay tuned, the adventure continues!

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