
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Puppies puppies puppies

I awoke to crying puppy yesterday bright and early at 7:30. Salchi, being in the house at night, decided the closet was where she was going to have them. I had cleaned out an area for her, and she was receptive,  but alas...

We waited, and and re read Google...I could tell she wasnt in pain, but definitely uncomfortable.  Finally after 6 hours, I decided I needed help, and got in touch with a local vet. He said she had one stuck in the birth canal,  great! Poor kid. He removed it, with much difficulty and it was no longer alive. She then proceeded to have 2 more.

After she had them all cleaned, I got her fed, (she was starved) and cleaned up. Freshened the whelping box, and made sure everyone was doing well. Geez! I need a stiff drink!

Vet came back this am with an injection, and said she was doing just what she should be. These pups are huge! So much for the thought she was impregnated by a corgi...ouch!

Haven't checked the sexes yet, Google said not to handle them too much the first couple days, and so far all they do is suckle and sleep, so stay tuned...the adventure  continues!

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