
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Ecuador wildlife

Sometimes you find wildlife in the strangest places...just ask my friend Dustin who found two baby turtles in his swimming pool skimmer.

He said they were still alive, so he took them to the ocean, good luck little buddies. Swim!

Another picture from Facebook a couple months ago, reminded us that no one told the whales we were locked down due to Covid. April and  May came and so did they. Have been told they enjoyed having the ocean all to themselves, and did many happy dances when not so many were watching.

Don't know who these guys are, but they had one heck of a catch the other day out of Puerto Lopez. 

And, closer to home, Mia is still killing wildlife around the house. At least 3 lizards the other day, and two giant grasshoppers. 

Thats all for today. Overcast this morning and the yard needs some attention, so, stay safe, and stay tuned, the adventure continues. 

1 comment:

  1. Excelente post compaƱero que puedas compartir con Ecuador de cerca lo que haz realizado hasta el momento espero que puedas seguir mejorando cada dia mas, con mucha fuerza y Fe en Cristo Jesus.
