
Friday, August 14, 2020

Casa Nueve

A couple weeks ago, I mentioned having news...a friend of mine out of the blue  asked if I wanted to look at a house for rent. At first I said no, I dont want to move...but during the course of the day I decided I had better take a look. The house was apparently cheaper and bigger,  big yard and when I looked at it, it was a no brainer! The landlords tiled the floor in the living and kitchen area, and I had some of the yard cleaned up. (When I sent these pics to my mom, she said "im not impressed" lol)

The painted walls were ok colors, but upon closer inspection they were not in good shape, so as I waited a couple days for the internet people to move my antenna I went over and painted the walls.

Yeah, thats better! 

The outside, nice large patio, wonderful ocean breeze and large shade trees.

And the patio after I moved...ahhh, such a nice spot!

Movers and internet were this week, and since then I have been organizing and unpacking. It is coming along, next week paint for the bedroom and craft area. Also hopefully the closet and shelving I am having built will be done.

So from my new house, Casa number 9, since I moved to Ecuador, stay safe and  stay tuned, the adventure continues!

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